Day 2 was TOUGH!
We did not see it coming this soon, but it was a hard day. Same routine and food as Day 1, but definitely not as easy.
Most of what I intended to write about tonight, I have completely forgotten. I transposed phrases...
When asked, "Is life worth living?", BJ Palmer responded, "It depends on the liver".
We often take for granted how beautifully designed our bodies are. These innately intelligent vessels operate on auto-pilot carrying us around all day, every day,...
“You are the average of the five people spend the most time with.” - Jim Rohn
Take a moment to think about your five. Imagine you were to set out into the open water on a boat for a very long journey and only those people would...
Developing healthy relationships is like building a fruitful garden. It takes good seeds, fertile ground, and an intense amount of weeding to nurture the crops until maturation. In life, the plants are our different relationships and interactions,...
“Vitalism—the understanding and principle that all organic systems in the universe are conscious, self-developing, self-maintaining and self-healing.
This means that the body is more than the sum of its parts; it is imbued with a...
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