Detox Day 1: Love Your Liver, Love Your Life

Uncategorized Jul 12, 2021

When asked, "Is life worth living?", BJ Palmer responded, "It depends on the liver".

We often take for granted how beautifully designed our bodies are. These innately intelligent vessels operate on auto-pilot carrying us around all day, every day, our entire lives. Yes, we watch what we eat and get plenty of water and exercise.... Okay, we intend to anyway, but how often do we overlook the natural cycle of assistance we really should be offering it? 

In nature, we see animals finding ways to help themselves cleanse or purge their bodies almost in a divine rhythm.  Humans; well, not so much. Convenience, want, and even sheer ignorance seems to have stolen our focus in society and we find ourselves unhealthy as a whole - overtly unhealthy. It goes beyond our bodies, too. Psychologically, we are struggling from emotional and mental dis-ease as well. Particularly after the year 2020. 

So what do we do? We asked ourselves this very question. For over 20 years, we have studied and put into practice some of the best mindsets, diets, detoxes and physical activity to keep our bodies in what we thought was a healthy state. Here is where the 'but' comes in; but we weren't doing enough to help our liver with the tremendous burden it has to clean our system regularly. You see, now more than ever in our history, our soil, water, air, food, clothes, soaps, cosmetics - you name it - are off the chart toxic. The good news is we are adaptable; the bad news is, at what cost and should we be putting so much stress on our bodies to adapt to a less-than quality of Earth? (Another blog for another time.)

Last month, we started taking a good look at some books a patient had let us borrow. We share the link below to the book driving this 9 day liver cleanse. (Thanks, Deb!) It changed how we were looking at food and sickness. This weekend we made a plan and put it into action. Here's how the first day was logged.

First thing in the morning, we each drank 16 ounces of tepid water with a good amount of lemon or lime juice. Then I did a PEMF session and meditation while Doc prepped our celery juice. 20 minutes later we drank our 16 ounces of celery juice and traded; Doc went through his PEMF/meditation series and I prepped our Liver Cleanse Smoothie. Again, 20 minutes later, we took down our smoothies and supplements. 

With our nutrition in for the morning, we went through the Morning Flow, which you can find under the Fundamentals section of Vitalism Code. 

Mid morning the hunger pangs started to hit, but nothing an apple couldn't quell. We also made sure to each attempt to drink roughly 32 ounces of water over the course of the morning. 

Lunch comprised of a hearty salad with a lot of vegetables. A LOT of vegetables. It really was not a difficult meal to prepare, so please check out all the food we will whip up over the course of the week under the Liver Cleanse section of Vitalism Code's Recipes.  

Mid afternoon was met with another apple and 32 more ounces of water.

An additional salad for dinner, but we were allowed an animal protein tonight. As good Iowans do, we chose lean, grass-fed beef burger that we cooked up with onion and garlic. According to the outline of the cleanse, Days 1-3 allow us this luxury to assist in easing into Days 4-9. 

As I type, we are settling in and enjoying a wonderful cup of tea. And though you may be reading this and thinking, they have this all figured out, I'll pull back the curtain a bit. 

You see, we had opened a beautiful bottle of wine this weekend and there was just enough left for two small glasses. Rather than pouring it out, we added it to our day. No, this isn't approved for Day 1, or any day while on this cleanse, but we are only human. Progress over perfection, right? 

And as if the Universe wasn't already having a little fun with us, as we headed home this evening, my phone rang. The gentlemen on the other end politely asked if he had dialed China King. My God; I wish!

Check out the book we are basing this week on. We will be including more information on it in videos and blogs to come because we feel passionately about his work and the gifts he shares. Stay tuned for each day of this journey! There is sure to be more tears and laughter to come. 

Get the Cleanse To Heal book here:



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