Detox Day 2: You Are Not Your Body

Uncategorized Jul 13, 2021

Day 2 was TOUGH

We did not see it coming this soon, but it was a hard day. Same routine and food as Day 1, but definitely not as easy. 

Most of what I intended to write about tonight, I have completely forgotten. I transposed phrases today, felt drained, and struggled a bit to stay alert. The biggest hurdle was the food cravings! I was wanting food I don't even normally eat. Crazy notions of cotton candy and fair foods were creeping in - probably brought about because the county fair had started today in our little town. When you remove all of the options and are restricted, it's difficult not to start grasping at straws. 

The word is 'convenience'. We have become addicted to it. We may have a kitchen full of food, but we will choose to go out to a restaurant instead. By we, I do mean all of us. We are all guilty of this. Why? Because we can. If we've had a hard day, or have been running kids around all night, it is so much easier to pull through the drive-thru or stop in a quick diner. Let someone else prepare, cook, serve, and clean up! They make it taste so good too, right? This has become such a routine that our society in general now finds itself far-removed from their food and its sourcing. We no longer savor and appreciate a meal or everything that went into bringing it to our plate.

What happens when you remove the convenience? Well, your mind races and tries to trick you into wanting things you don't even enjoy. Your body gets "bucky", as Doc says. You have to focus on what you have; and savor every bit of it. At the same time, you have to know it is working! Detoxification is never about just one system. At a cellular level, you are squeezing out old energy, emotions and toxic remains that no longer serve you. Keep going! 

I have to share something before I wrap up. We always have music of some kind playing. Tonight, Doc tuned into a fun internet station. While we were prepping our 4th salad of the last two days, a song came on about drinking a beer. I honestly have never seen him fly across a room that fast! I thought he was going to knock the speaker down as he shut it off with the loudest grumble. Sigh  I'm glad I'm not the only one. 

Check out Doc's video, "How to Break Habits" on Vitalism Code under How Your Body Heals, where he talks more about learning to disassociate from emotional pain and anxiety in order to dissolve fear and the feeling of not being in control. 


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